Aye Finance

Founded in 2014, Aye Finance aims to provide innovative and customer-centered financial services to micro and small businesses through its experienced team, effective technology, and robust processes. Aye has been making affordable loans a reality for the historically credit-starved micro-enterprises of India, for whom access to adequate capital has always been a struggle. We are one of the earliest investors in Aye Finance, investing in them at the Seed stage in 2015.
Aye Finance
Founded in 2014, Aye Finance aims to provide innovative and customer-centered financial services to micro and small businesses through its experienced team, effective technology, and robust processes. Aye has been making affordable loans a reality for the historically credit-starved micro-enterprises of India, for whom access to adequate capital has always been a struggle. We are one of the earliest investors in Aye Finance, investing in them at the Seed stage in 2015.