
Contextual consumer credit is a massive opportunity in India and offers huge scope for innovation. For example, less than 15% Indian adults are credit-active, with less than 5% holding a credit card. Through Uni, Nitin, Laxmikant and Prateek’s aim is to bring the benefits of flexible credit to the Indian masses, starting with the one-of-a-kind “Pay 1/3 card”, which allows users to split monthly spends into 3 parts, over 3 months, at 0 extra costs OR pay within 1 month for 1% cashback. They are on a mission to build consumer-centric, feature and experience rich, credit products for India.
Contextual consumer credit is a massive opportunity in India and offers huge scope for innovation. For example, less than 15% Indian adults are credit-active, with less than 5% holding a credit card. Through Uni, Nitin, Laxmikant and Prateek’s aim is to bring the benefits of flexible credit to the Indian masses, starting with the one-of-a-kind “Pay 1/3 card”, which allows users to split monthly spends into 3 parts, over 3 months, at 0 extra costs OR pay within 1 month for 1% cashback. They are on a mission to build consumer-centric, feature and experience rich, credit products for India.
