Vice President

Anuraag Gupta


Anuraag focuses on early stage SaaS investments at Elevation, with an emphasis on Productivity, Collaboration, Data, AI/ML and Developer tools. He has been building SaaS products all his career and has worn many hats - from being a full stack developer to leading product teams across startups and large enterprises. As an early employee at Microsoft Teams, he helped scale the product from an internal experiment to a large scale enterprise offering. Anuraag holds an engineering degree from BITS Goa and an MBA from ISB, Hyderabad. Outside of work, he enjoys creating music, writing and discovering obscure books.

I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to partner with amazing founders. It’s inspiring to work with people who show immense grit, passion and resilience each day to make their dreams a reality.

“A fast evolving technology landscape creates new opportunities that require a keen eye to spot and a fantastic team to capture. It’s a privilege to be in a position where I get to partner with amazing people, learn about their journey and help them to be successful in achieving their dreams.

Choosing to become a founder is an act of courage that few can embark upon. Helping founders succeed is not just about providing support as an investor, but also as a friend who deeply understands the emotional journey of entrepreneurship.”