Elevation Startup PayPulse Report 2023
Data and insights to help founders make informed decisions about startup compensation
Elevation Startup PayPulse Report 2023
Data and insights to help founders make informed decisions about startup compensation
The road to startup success isn't without its obstacles. One of the significant challenges founders face today is attracting and retaining top talent while managing their budgets effectively. It's becoming increasingly critical for entrepreneurs to be cognizant of the shifting compensation and talent trends to stay competitive.
The Elevation Startup PayPulse Report 2023 provides valuable insights into the macro hiring outlook and trends in compensation across various roles to enable early- and mid-stage startups to make informed decisions along with salary benchmarks for various roles to remove discrepancies.
Click here to view and download the report.
Every day, founders approach us with pressing questions about market salary standards, compensation trends, and pay structures—from entry-level positions to leadership roles. We have amassed deep knowledge in these areas, drawing from our multi-decadal experience in assisting category-defining founders with their talent acquisition needs. The Elevation Startup PayPulse Report 2023 encapsulates valuable insights on compensation and talent trends that can benefit the larger startup ecosystem.
The report leverages our vast network of entrepreneurs and our decades of experience helping them with their talent needs. It includes salary references for all key job functions, and insights on how these are evolving and transforming as the ecosystem matures.
Who will find this report useful? Founders of early and growth-stage startups, HR leaders, and employees driving India’s dynamic and ever-evolving startup ecosystem.
Data for this report was collected from a diverse range of sources, including 200+ startups and thousands of candidates, making the information in this guide the most up-to-date and accurate available salary data for the ecosystem.
If you have any further questions or would like more in-depth insights, Elevation's talent team is here to assist. Feel free to reach out to the report’s authors anytime.
Written by Kallan H, Dipesh Jain

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